I heard for Ginka from my friend who highly recommended her. I received quick and concrete consultation. Ginka answered to all my questions and gave me advices, dates, appropriate periods. It is important to have such a support when we have to make a decision.
Testimonial Category: Feedback / Мнения
Гинка е страхотен професионалист! Астролог
Гинка е страхотен професионалист! Астролог с богат опит, на който може да се разчита при разрешаване на трудни житейски ситуации. Всичките и прогнози са абсолютно точни и помагат на човек да вземе правилните решения в живота си. Тя е позитивен и сърцат човек. Можете да й се доверите напълно!
Erstaunlich genau…
Die erste astrologische Prognose für mich 1996, war dass ich bis Ende 1998 meine Arbeit und mein Wohnort ändern werde. Ich konnte es nicht glauben, gerade startete ich meine Karriere an der Uni und machte mir Pläne in dieser Stadt zu bleiben.
Am 01.09.1998 hatte ich meine neue Stelle in einer anderen Stadt. Ginka sagte mir dass die Zeit gegen Ende 1999 gut für die Findung eines Lebenspartners wäre. Aber ich hatte nicht mal einen Freund damels…
…und siehe an, die Hochzeit war am 30.10.1999…auch andere Zufälle haben mich mit der Zeit immer wieder beeindrückt. Ich schätze sehr Ginka für ihr proffesionalles Können als Astrologin und Ihre Persönlichkeit! Danke dir, Ginka!
Astonishingly correct
My first astro prognosis was made by Ginka in 1996 tellining me that I was going to change my work and residence till the end of 1998 – I couldn’t believe that (I had just started my university career and my plans were to live in that town). On the 1st of September 1998 I had a new work place in another town. She had also told me that I was going to get married till the end of 1999 and at that time I didn’t even had a boyfriend – my wedding was on the 30th of October 1999. I can tell you about many other „coincidences“….I greatly appreciate her professional skills in astrology and human qualities! Than you, Ginka!